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Privacy Statement

Who we are

Daily Health Guide was built to provide factual information about health and tips on the remedies for certain health conditions and diseases.

To protect the integrity of this website, the team behind Daily Health Guide site has implemented privacy policies and set steps to make sure that the content and the access to this website are both safeguarded.

By accessing this website,, exploring its content, and utilizing the information or contents of the articles posted in this website, the site visitor acknowledges and agrees to the terms outlined below:


The website administrators holds the right to evaluate and approve the comments submitted on the site. To reduce the instance of spammy messages, the IP address and browser user agent string of site visitors are gathered.

The site admins verify the authenticity of the individuals who submitted the comments and, once approved, the profile picture of the commenters will be presented publicly along with their comments.


When uploading images to Daily Health Guide website, the administrators of the site demand the embedded location data or EXIF GPS to be submitted. The site visitors have the chance to import or export location data from images posted on the site.


Daily Health Guide uses cookies to boost the performance of this website on the browsers of our site visitors. These cookies contain information strings that the browsers of site visitors may provide on their future visits to the site.

There is an initial cookie provided upon your access to this website to identify if your browser accepts cookies. The said cookie is not inclusive of your personal data and will be automatically deleted when you close your browser.

Daily Health Guide wants it to be convenient for the users that they do not anymore need to re-enter their details upon their next visit to the site. The duration of these cookies may last up to one (1) year.

Google and third party websites use cookies for advertising purposes. They enable Google and these third party sites to present ads to Daily Health Guide visitors based on their previous visit to the site.

Who we share your data with

The information collected by Daily Health Guide from site visitors include the IP Address, URL, referral, computer data, connection data of site visitors, and visitor behavior statistics. Rest assured that these information will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will only be used for visitor info monitoring.

Authority over Daily Health Guide Privacy Policy

Daily Health Guide reserves the sole authority to make changes to the privacy policies on the use of this site. Visitors are encouraged to read on the privacy policy every visit as there might be new changes implemented on it.

Please be assured that any change implemented on the privacy policy of the website is in line with its pursuit to providing its site users with the best and safest experience possible.